2023-01-13: The Horror Of The Average Computing Experience

There is no good, merely lesser evil.

I shudder to think that most people's only experience of computers is using Windows. I could never fucking go back. Does Linux on desktop have a lot of problems and pain points? Yes, definitely. I get suspicious when I don't notice any cruft for a while. Is it as bad as Windows? God no. Fuck no.

Every experience I have ever had with any version of Windows past Windows 7 is the worst fucking experience I have ever had with a computer. It's awful. It is mindbogglingly, exhaustingly horrible. I plug in my shitty Canon printer on my 10(!) year old laptop running Debian, and it Just Works. I try to do the same in Windows, and it's like pulling my own teeth.

Nothing "just works" on Windows. nothing has ever just fucking worked on Windows. This is a fiction. A jape. You are merely used to the ways in which Windows does not fucking work like a computer goddamn should, and work around them without noticing. You have unconsciously adjusted to all the ways in which Microsoft tells you that "your" computer is their property that they are so generously letting you use, for now, for a small fee.

This post will probably not convince anyone to switch to Linux. I don't care, not the point. Microsoft should have been broken up in the 90s, and Bill Gates should have got the death sentence.

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