2022-11-17: Sewage Infused Garbage World

Every new thing in the world is garbage made of shit.

Two years ago, my mother's hot water bottle sprang a leak. It had faithfully held hot water for something like 9-10 years. Since then, she and I have gone through no fewer than three (3) hot water bottles, none of them lasting more than eight months, some lasting as few as four months before springing a leak.

Does anyone make good hot water bottles anymore? Who? That's not really my point, but I would love to know.

Everything is like this now. Every fucking thing. I get that nothing lasts forever, but is it so much to ask for a fucking shoe to last longer than a year? Is it really so unreasonable to expect a computer mouse to operate as intended for twelve consecutive months? Am I insane for expecting a zip-up hoodie to still be wearable next fall? Is it silly to assume that the rubberised grip on a kitchen knife won't melt back into goo by next thanksgiving?

No fucking wonder that we're careening towards a global climate collapse, that our bodies runneth over with microplastics - the first world has an addiction problem. Western society is addicted to Shit. We can't get enough Fucking Shit in our lives, and the bastards who convince us we need it to be happy have all the money in the world to make this Goddamn Fucking Shit fall apart as quickly as possible - but not so quick that it falls apart in the return window and you have time to write an Amazon review that reads "⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ worked as advertised and didn't start an electrical fire!"

I don't have a satisfying conclusion to this. If you really need some More Goddamn Fucking Shit in your life, try and get it used. I guess.

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